Let us show you how our services can be strategically applied to transform your data.

W3C Validated XHTML / CSS Markup and Document Conversion Services

One of the largest economics and business administration institutions in the world with specialization in Austrian and international tax law – in cooperation with other institutions – wanted to digitalise historic documents on tax treaty law which were based in the OEEC/OECD archives in Paris.

Client Requirements

These documents available as scanned PDF Image files needed to be double keyed into valid XHTML 1.1 documents according to document type definition provided by W3C (a validation service is available at https://validator.w3.org/).

The client wanted guaranteed accuracy rate (of 99.995%) for the double keying of OEEC documents with all characters readable. The documents were a mixed lot - some were in French language, some had handwritten material and markings on them, and some had images and tables that included comprehensive data - we were required to capture all the matter


We were also required to review and interpret the document structure, and then apply appropriate heading levels.


The client required almost 100% accuracy with text and XML conversion. This becomes particularly challenging with old historical documents.

SunTec India's XHTML / XML conversion services convert your the documents (any form - scanned images in TIFF or PDF, or PSD / JPEG, or hardcopies) to W3C Validated XHTML 1.0 Strict with validated CSS.

Our key policies for XHTML conversion are:

  • Quality code: Lesser and leaner code
  • Cross Browser Compatibility with different Operating Systems e.g. Mac, Linux, Windows
  • Using all markup ( XHTML-1.0 Transitional, XHTML 1.0 Strict, XHTML 1.1, XHTML Mobile -1.0) XHTML DocType
  • Using CSS1, CSS-2 and CSS-3 features. It helps write high quality XHTML codes with greater flexibility.
  • W3C validated XHTML/CSS coding
  • If required, hand coded markup to any specification

SunTec India can also convert your designs (from various common image formats PSD, JPG, GIF, PNG) to high quality cross-browser compatible W3C validated XHTML / CSS markup. The result is faster load times and increased accessibility across a variety of platforms.

About SunTec

SunTec India's document conversion capabilities are extensive, allowing us to convert to and from virtually any format, including XML, SGML, HTML, XHTML. Doing business since 1999, SunTec can be your trusted partner for the management and implementation of large scale, complex data conversion projects.

Please contact us at info@suntecindia.com for further details.