SunTec India Invited to Salesforce World Tour Essentials Mumbai 2024

World Tour Essentials Mumbai 2024

On June 19th, Mr. Rohit Bhateja, Director-Digital Division, SunTec India, joined the Salesforce India team in Mumbai for the Salesforce World Tour Essentials event. The event was primarily dedicated to demonstrating a new way for businesses to deepen customer relationships and increase productivity by becoming an AI Enterprise.

The event showcased Einstein 1, Salesforce's copilot, which automates tasks, collaborates with representatives, and unifies business data through Customer 360. It also emphasized that effective Enterprise AI relies on connected, trustworthy customer data.

Expressing his impression of the event, Mr. Bhateja noted that despite so many businesses using AI to improve customer relationships and productivity, even with Salesforce introducing something as phenomenal as the Einstein co-pilot across all its solutions, the validation of it all boils down to trusted data. That is where SunTec India comes in to help the CRM companies and the businesses using them.

As the sun sets on all the hype and the reality of AI starts to crystallize, the realization soon follows that AI is nothing without data one can trust.

- Rohit Bhateja, Director-Digital, SunTec India

He further highlighted that SunTec has been the human in the AI loop for a long time. The team has acted as the one stop shop of data validation for tech companies, eCommerce businesses, travel companies, global brands, and several Fortune 100, 500, and 1000 companies. We have been recognized by Gartner as one of the top global representative vendors in the data services market and repeatedly acknowledged by B2B marketplaces like Clutch and Goodfirms as a leading outsourcing company.

As a data service provider, SunTec represents a crucial link between the concept of an AI Enterprise as presented by Salesforce and companies interested in becoming one.

About the Event

The event involved discussions around the enhanced capabilities of Einstein 1- the Salesforce copilot. The Salesforce presentation focused on how the Einstein co-pilot helps teams quickly move from idea to execution by automating hundreds of hours of manual work in enterprise systems. This involves collaborating with human representatives, acting as an integrated source of the company’s entire database, and offering automated meaningful recommendations. With Einstein co-pilot, Salesforce is proposing a way to unite all of a business’s applications, bringing all of its data together in one place through a data cloud as a single source of truth regarding all its customers (Customer 360).

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As Salesforce representatives stated, Enterprise AI is all about data. It has to be grounded in a company’s customer data and in the context of its business. Enterprises have islands of trapped data, but that data is not connected, not used in the regular flow of business, and is hard to get insights from. It is impossible to transform into an AI Enterprise if the company can’t trust the data it is standing on.

We’ll Keep Empowering Businesses by Safeguarding their Data

We are grateful to the Salesforce team for giving us this opportunity to see the power of CRM + AI + Data + Trust in action. As their AI promises to deliver better relationships, productivity, and margins, so do we, as a data outsourcing company helping businesses get the best of AI by acting as gatekeepers of their data.